Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Super fast, super easy wall art.

Our condo is on the market, so in the name of making it look great on the cheap and super quickly, I decided we needed some new artwork. I was going through the Thrifty Decor Chick blog and saw a fabulous idea she came up with. She was inspired by a Ballard Designs piece of art- that catalog is FULL of awesome things, but it is super super pricey.

So here's what the Ballard Designs piece looks like:

She took pieces of plywood and just used spray adhesive to glue some pretty scrapbook paper to it. My type of project.... E-A-S-Y.

My finished 'art':

To see her version and get the full instructions, go here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love Ballard designs. I have some scrapbook paper on display myself. -- Good luck with the Condo!